Friday, May 15, 2020

Review: ElonMusk - …As Your Wanderer Taps At The Invisible Gate

Nothing sparks my interest in music more than the sentence “new album that consists of one 37+ minute song” and it’s a journey in to space that not even the Space X entrepreneur could wrap his brain around.
Previous offerings from the Nashville 3-piece ElonMusk have clocked in at 9 and 16 minutes but this truly is a trip into the minds of a band that are taking you to realms beyond.
Everything starts feeling high up amongst the clouds as the guitar strums and the slow drum rhythms hypnotically hold you out there. There’s some keyboards moving in and out of the mix and the guitar begins to take flight and walk in to the distance reminding me in parts of Sons of Alpha Centauri and Yawning Man. At around 6 minutes the guitars really kick in and you feel the deep space like stomping groove as the instruments bend together slowly over the outer space keyboard effects. Add some soaring guitars to the mix and you can picture the kaleidoscopes of light in your mind as though they were playing right in front of you.
The eerie keyboards continue on as the guitar and bass output gets fuzzier, the elevated guitar work takes on another level and sounds huge, and they all intertwine for quite some time. The soaring guitars over the hypnotic drone like wall of fuzz is reminiscent of Electric Moon and Black Moon Circle, and how they take you from there to an almost dreamy landscape of what sounds like the sounds behind the atmosphere.

From here on you need to close your eyes and enjoy the trip as you take a heavy psych ride through the planets of space rock, accompanied by Ryan Westover (Bass/Synth), Frank Hand (guitar) and Kate Haldrup (Drums).
To add to the mind trip of an experience, an accompanying video has been produced by Stan Brakhage/Terrence Malick Films that lasts the full 37:35.

I highly recommend that you check out ElonMusk as they really have something special in the making here. …As Your Wanderer Taps At The Invisible Gate is available from the band on CD and cassette and I’ve just read that there will be some vinyl action soon from Worst Bassist Records.

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